Free sessions are included with the $5 admission ticket. You can add premium sessions to your cart during registration, and return to make updates to your registration.

Please note the deadlines to register for Workshops

Session Pic 1 Piste Type de session Nom de session Présentateur Prix Plus d'informations Lien de session virtuelle
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Weave a Rush StoolIntermediateWeaving WorkshopsWeave a Rush Stool45,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Darning Hand KnitsAll Levels WelcomeDemonstrationsDarning Hand Knits15,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Planning For Perfect SocksIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsPlanning For Perfect Socks40,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Understanding Knitting ChartsIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsUnderstanding Knitting Charts40,00 $USAfficher la session
Twigg Stitch Technique and Hiker HatIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsTwigg Stitch Technique and Hiker Hat40,00 $USAfficher la session
Flawless Mattress StitchAll Levels WelcomeKnitting WorkshopsFlawless Mattress Stitch40,00 $USAfficher la session
Conquering Short RowsIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsConquering Short Rows35,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Foraging for ColorAll Levels WelcomeLecturesForaging for Color15,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sock Skills: Casting On for Toe-Up SocksAll Levels WelcomeKnitting WorkshopsSock Skills: Casting On for Toe-Up Socks40,00 $USAfficher la session
Adventures in Crochet Granny SquaresBeginnerCrochet WorkshopsAdventures in Crochet Granny Squares35,00 $USAfficher la session
Porch Weave StoolBeginnerWeaving WorkshopsPorch Weave Stool45,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Addictive Argyle! Hat ProjectIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsAddictive Argyle! Hat Project40,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Easy Ice Dye for Incredible ResultsBeginnerDyeing WorkshopsEasy Ice Dye for Incredible Results40,00 $USAfficher la session
Crochet Tips and TricksBeginnerCrochet WorkshopsCrochet Tips and Tricks35,00 $USAfficher la session
Contiguous Set-In SleevesIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsContiguous Set-In Sleeves40,00 $USAfficher la session
Knit a Sweater that Fits - ThursBeginnerKnitting WorkshopsKnit a Sweater that Fits - Thurs35,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Color Theory MerrimentAll Levels WelcomeLecturesColor Theory Merriment10,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Get in Formed - Needle Felting on a Wet Felted FormAll Levels WelcomeDemonstrationsGet in Formed - Needle Felting on a Wet Felted Form15,00 $USAfficher la session
Intro to Drum CardingBeginnerDemonstrationsIntro to Drum Carding10,00 $USAfficher la session
What's Your Type? A Framework for Understanding Wool and BreedsAll Levels WelcomeLecturesWhat's Your Type? A Framework for Understanding Wool and Breeds10,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Pamper your Pooch with a Custom-Made Dog Sweater!  Part 1All Levels WelcomeKnitting Crochet WorkshopsPamper your Pooch with a Custom-Made Dog Sweater! Part 150,00 $USAfficher la session
Fleece to Fabric - Part 1BeginnerSpinning WorkshopsFleece to Fabric - Part 180,00 $USAfficher la session
Beaded Kumihimo: Round Japanese Cord NecklaceBeginnerMiscBeaded Kumihimo: Round Japanese Cord Necklace50,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Machine Knitting BasicsBeginnerDemonstrationsMachine Knitting Basics10,00 $USAfficher la session
Spinning Using an Electric SpinnerBeginnerDemonstrationsSpinning Using an Electric Spinner15,00 $USAfficher la session
The Secrets of Knitting HappinessAll Levels WelcomeLecturesThe Secrets of Knitting Happiness0,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Crochet Pattern PrimerIntermediateCrochet WorkshopsCrochet Pattern Primer35,00 $USAfficher la session
Colorwork the Easy Way!  Mosaic KnittingIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsColorwork the Easy Way! Mosaic Knitting40,00 $USAfficher la session
Sock Skills: Afterthought HeelsAll Levels WelcomeKnitting WorkshopsSock Skills: Afterthought Heels40,00 $USAfficher la session
Excel Essentials for a Custom Fit - ThursAdvanced BeginnerKnitting WorkshopsExcel Essentials for a Custom Fit - Thurs40,00 $USAfficher la session
Intro to Brioche - ThursAdvanced BeginnerKnitting WorkshopsIntro to Brioche - Thurs35,00 $USAfficher la session
jeudi, octobre 15, 2020, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
How to Succeed on EtsyAll Levels WelcomeLecturesHow to Succeed on Etsy15,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  Farm Tour/Mill TourDashing Star Farm Tour Afficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  DemonstrationsDashing Star Farm Sheepskins Preparing Demo Afficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Wooly Pumpkin Patch - Rug HookingIntermediateRug Making WorkshopsWooly Pumpkin Patch - Rug Hooking40,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  DemonstrationsDashing Star Farm Demo: Wool Sorting Afficher la session
Gauge? What's That?All Levels WelcomeDemonstrationsGauge? What's That?15,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
A Yarn in Each Hand - Holding Yarns for Colorwork/Fair Isle Knitting - Fri - NEWIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsA Yarn in Each Hand - Holding Yarns for Colorwork/Fair Isle Knitting - Fri - NEW35,00 $USAfficher la session
Shaker Tape StoolBeginnerWeaving WorkshopsShaker Tape Stool45,00 $USAfficher la session
Needle Felted Mini Jack FrostBeginnerFelting WorkshopsNeedle Felted Mini Jack Frost40,00 $USAfficher la session
Kumihimo Flat Braiding: Heart Braid Bracelet - Part 1All Levels WelcomeMiscKumihimo Flat Braiding: Heart Braid Bracelet - Part 180,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  DemonstrationsDashing Star Farm Demo: Needlefelting Afficher la session
Reversible Crochet CablesIntermediateCrochet WorkshopsReversible Crochet Cables15,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Adventures in Mosaic KnittingBeginnerKnitting WorkshopsAdventures in Mosaic Knitting35,00 $USAfficher la session
Woven Slip-Stitch KnittingAll Levels WelcomeKnitting WorkshopsWoven Slip-Stitch Knitting40,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Rug Hooking Thru the AgesAll Levels WelcomeLecturesRug Hooking Thru the Ages10,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Perfect NecklinesIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsPerfect Necklines40,00 $USAfficher la session
Try Your Hand at Portuguese Knitting - FriIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsTry Your Hand at Portuguese Knitting - Fri35,00 $USAfficher la session
Switch Stitch Technique and Loganberry Hat.IntermediateKnitting WorkshopsSwitch Stitch Technique and Loganberry Hat.40,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  Farm Tour/Mill TourDashing Star Farm Tour Afficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Fixing MistakesBeginnerKnitting WorkshopsFixing Mistakes40,00 $USAfficher la session
Learn to Spin with a Supported SpindleAdvanced BeginnerSpinning WorkshopsLearn to Spin with a Supported Spindle50,00 $USAfficher la session
Fanciful Crochet EdgingsAdvanced BeginnerCrochet WorkshopsFanciful Crochet Edgings35,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  DemonstrationsDashing Star Farm Demo: Wool Sorting Afficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Embellish Your KnitsIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsEmbellish Your Knits35,00 $USAfficher la session
Intro to Brioche - FriAdvanced BeginnerKnitting WorkshopsIntro to Brioche - Fri35,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
 All Levels WelcomeMiscShow us your Rhinebeck sweater! Afficher la session
  DemonstrationsDashing Star Farm Demo: Machine Quilting Wool Filled Potholders Afficher la session
Teatime with Herdwick Sheep -Helder~Herdwyck Farm FRI Farm Tour/Mill TourTeatime with Herdwick Sheep -Helder~Herdwyck Farm FRI Afficher la session
The Basics of Batik: How to Set Up a Home PracticeBeginnerDemonstrationsThe Basics of Batik: How to Set Up a Home Practice15,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Breed Specific Swatching for KnittersAll Levels WelcomeKnitting WorkshopsBreed Specific Swatching for Knitters40,00 $USAfficher la session
Sock Skills: Binding OffAll Levels WelcomeKnitting WorkshopsSock Skills: Binding Off40,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
How to Spin a Coil YarnIntermediateDemonstrationsHow to Spin a Coil Yarn15,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Lace Lace Lace with Galina KhmelevaAll Levels WelcomeDemonstrationsLace Lace Lace with Galina Khmeleva15,00 $USAfficher la session
Choosing and Using Hand-Dyed YarnsAll Levels WelcomeLecturesChoosing and Using Hand-Dyed Yarns15,00 $USAfficher la session
For the Love of Longwools: British Longwool Sheep and WoolAll Levels WelcomeLecturesFor the Love of Longwools: British Longwool Sheep and Wool10,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  Farm Tour/Mill TourIdeuma Creek Alpacas Farm Tour Afficher la session
How to Knit Socks (Flap Heel and Gusset) - Part 1IntermediateKnitting WorkshopsHow to Knit Socks (Flap Heel and Gusset) - Part 150,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Making a Pair of Sox in Under an HourBeginnerDemonstrationsMaking a Pair of Sox in Under an Hour10,00 $USAfficher la session
Broken, Dirty, and Tender FleeceBeginnerDemonstrationsBroken, Dirty, and Tender Fleece10,00 $USAfficher la session
Fire, Glass and Fiber-Painting with GlassAll Levels WelcomeDemonstrationsFire, Glass and Fiber-Painting with Glass10,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Crochet on the EdgeBeginnerCrochet WorkshopsCrochet on the Edge35,00 $USAfficher la session
No Alcohol Needed - Steeks - Fri - NEWIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsNo Alcohol Needed - Steeks - Fri - NEW35,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The Art of Mindful KnittingAll Levels WelcomeMiscThe Art of Mindful Knitting15,00 $USAfficher la session
Spinning with Fabric InclusionsIntermediateDemonstrationsSpinning with Fabric Inclusions15,00 $USAfficher la session
Hand-Dyeing Unique YarnsAll Levels WelcomeDemonstrationsHand-Dyeing Unique Yarns15,00 $USAfficher la session
Meet the Sheep of the Hudson ValleyAll Levels WelcomeLecturesMeet the Sheep of the Hudson Valley0,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Design Your Own SocksBeginnerKnitting WorkshopsDesign Your Own Socks35,00 $USAfficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  DemonstrationsDashing Star Farm Sheepskins Preparing Demo Afficher la session
vendredi, octobre 16, 2020, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
How to Identify a Pattern That's Good for YOUAll Levels WelcomeLecturesHow to Identify a Pattern That's Good for YOU15,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
 All Levels WelcomeChildren's ClassesYarn Doll! (30 minutes)0,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Behind the Scenes at a Spinning Mill - See How  Yarn is MadeAll Levels WelcomeFarm Tour/Mill TourBehind the Scenes at a Spinning Mill - See How Yarn is Made10,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Wrap and Turn Short RowsIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsWrap and Turn Short Rows40,00 $USAfficher la session
Viking Weaving  Using a Lucet - Bracelet  Part 1All Levels WelcomeWeaving WorkshopsViking Weaving Using a Lucet - Bracelet Part 180,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
A Yarn in Each Hand - Holding Yarns for Colorwork/Fair Isle Knitting - SatIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsA Yarn in Each Hand - Holding Yarns for Colorwork/Fair Isle Knitting - Sat35,00 $USAfficher la session
Rhinebeck Gnome 2020 - 12:00 pmBeginnerFelting WorkshopsRhinebeck Gnome 2020 - 12:00 pm40,00 $USAfficher la session
Crochet for KnittersIntermediateCrochet WorkshopsCrochet for Knitters40,00 $USAfficher la session
Slip Stitch Beyond MosaicAll Levels WelcomeKnitting WorkshopsSlip Stitch Beyond Mosaic40,00 $USAfficher la session
So You Want to Start a Craft Business?All Levels WelcomeMiscSo You Want to Start a Craft Business?30,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
 All Levels WelcomeChildren's ClassesPaper Plate Weaving! (30 min.)0,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Silverdale ShawlIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsSilverdale Shawl40,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
A Fiber Odyssey: How The Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook Came to Happen LINK FIXEDAll Levels WelcomeLecturesA Fiber Odyssey: How The Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook Came to Happen LINK FIXED0,00 $USAfficher la session
Tips for Spinning ConsistentlyBeginnerDemonstrationsTips for Spinning Consistently15,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Try Your Hand at Portuguese Knitting  - SatIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsTry Your Hand at Portuguese Knitting - Sat35,00 $USAfficher la session
Debunking Dye Chemistry (Sat)BeginnerDyeing WorkshopsDebunking Dye Chemistry (Sat)45,00 $USAfficher la session
Brioche Lace: Beyond the Basic Stripes - Part 1IntermediateKnitting WorkshopsBrioche Lace: Beyond the Basic Stripes - Part 150,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Picot CO and BOAll Levels WelcomeDemonstrationsPicot CO and BO15,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  SymposiumMerritt Bookstore presents: "Sustainability in the Crafting Community" with Kathy Hattori, Clara Parkes, Sonya Philip, Katrina Rodabaugh, Adrienne Rodriguez, Hannah Thiessen, and Kristine Vejar PASSCODE: cousins0,00 $USAfficher la session
Crisscrossing the Rainbow: Color CablesIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsCrisscrossing the Rainbow: Color Cables40,00 $USAfficher la session
Beginning Shepherd Workshop: Live Virtual Q&AAll Levels WelcomeBreed TalksBeginning Shepherd Workshop: Live Virtual Q&A0,00 $USAfficher la session
Beads in a Cast-on -  Come Learn a New Technique!IntermediateKnitting WorkshopsBeads in a Cast-on - Come Learn a New Technique!40,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
The Holistic Shepherd - Helder~Herdwyck Farm Farm Tour/Mill TourThe Holistic Shepherd - Helder~Herdwyck Farm Afficher la session
The Properties and Qualities of WoolAll Levels WelcomeLecturesThe Properties and Qualities of Wool0,00 $USAfficher la session
Swatching for Colorwork/Fair Isle Knitting - It's Different!IntermediateKnitting WorkshopsSwatching for Colorwork/Fair Isle Knitting - It's Different!15,00 $USAfficher la session
Plying Hefty Hanks from Spindled YarnsAll Levels WelcomeDemonstrationsPlying Hefty Hanks from Spindled Yarns15,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Color Play CrochetBeginnerCrochet WorkshopsColor Play Crochet35,00 $USAfficher la session
Adventures in Reversible CablesIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsAdventures in Reversible Cables35,00 $USAfficher la session
Creating a Nuno Felt Scarf - From Raw Materials to a Wearable Artsy Scarf.BeginnerFelting WorkshopsCreating a Nuno Felt Scarf - From Raw Materials to a Wearable Artsy Scarf.40,00 $USAfficher la session
Basic Knit FixesBeginnerKnitting WorkshopsBasic Knit Fixes40,00 $USAfficher la session
Crank Along with Jim (Machine Knitting)BeginnerMachine Knitting WorkshopsCrank Along with Jim (Machine Knitting)35,00 $USAfficher la session
Rhinebeck Gnome 2020 - 4:00 pmBeginnerFelting WorkshopsRhinebeck Gnome 2020 - 4:00 pm40,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  Farm Tour/Mill TourIdeuma Creek Alpacas Farm Tour Afficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Essentials of Versa LaceAdvancedDemonstrationsEssentials of Versa Lace15,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
EZ-Peazy Needle Felted NarwhalBeginnerFelting WorkshopsEZ-Peazy Needle Felted Narwhal40,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Drafting - Different Styles and When to Use ThemBeginnerDemonstrationsDrafting - Different Styles and When to Use Them15,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Chair Yoga for CraftersAll Levels WelcomeMiscChair Yoga for Crafters50,00 $USAfficher la session
Secrets of Splicing: Up Your Ends GameAll Levels WelcomeKnitting WorkshopsSecrets of Splicing: Up Your Ends Game40,00 $USAfficher la session
Shades of Amber Cowl BeginnerKnitting WorkshopsShades of Amber Cowl 40,00 $USAfficher la session
Tunisian Crochet Tri-CowlBeginnerCrochet WorkshopsTunisian Crochet Tri-Cowl35,00 $USAfficher la session
Crochet Rag RugBeginnerCrochet WorkshopsCrochet Rag Rug35,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
I've Got This YarnAll Levels WelcomeLecturesI've Got This Yarn15,00 $USAfficher la session
samedi, octobre 17, 2020, 9:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Morehouse Farm LLC - Late Night Knit-In Knit-InMorehouse Farm LLC - Late Night Knit-In Afficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  Farm Tour/Mill TourIdeuma Creek Alpacas Farm Tour Afficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  DemonstrationsSubito Farm DEMO: Cranking a pair of socks on a CSM (Machine Knitting) Afficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Wearable Weaving: Making a  Woven Neck Piece - Part 1All Levels WelcomeWeaving WorkshopsWearable Weaving: Making a  Woven Neck Piece - Part 180,00 $USAfficher la session
Knit a Sweater that Fits - SunBeginnerKnitting WorkshopsKnit a Sweater that Fits - Sun35,00 $USAfficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Mirror KnittingAll Levels WelcomeDemonstrationsMirror Knitting15,00 $USAfficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Flipside Awesomeness: Reversible CablesIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsFlipside Awesomeness: Reversible Cables40,00 $USAfficher la session
Tips and Tricks for Next-Level KnittingAll Levels WelcomeKnitting WorkshopsTips and Tricks for Next-Level Knitting40,00 $USAfficher la session
Beautiful Beaded Bind-offs:  A Techniques ClassIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsBeautiful Beaded Bind-offs: A Techniques Class40,00 $USAfficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
The Noisy Paintbrush: Free-motion Machine embroideryBeginnerDemonstrationsThe Noisy Paintbrush: Free-motion Machine embroidery10,00 $USAfficher la session
Baa Baa Softie Sheep!Advanced BeginnerChildren's ClassesBaa Baa Softie Sheep!0,00 $USAfficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
A Farm Of Our Own Breed TalksA Farm Of Our Own0,00 $USAfficher la session
  SymposiumMerritt Bookstore presents: "Inclusive Representation Matters - the Importance of Visible Inclusion in the Crafting Community" with Alex R. of Alex Creates, Arounna Khounnoraj, Cecilia Nelson-Hurt, Thao Nguyen, Lisa Solomon0,00 $USAfficher la session
Crochet for KnittersBeginnerCrochet WorkshopsCrochet for Knitters35,00 $USAfficher la session
Latitude MittensAdvancedKnitting WorkshopsLatitude Mittens40,00 $USAfficher la session
Needle Felt a ChickadeeBeginnerFelting WorkshopsNeedle Felt a Chickadee40,00 $USAfficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  DemonstrationsSubito Farm DEMO: Fresh indigo dyeing Afficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
(IN)Visible MendingAll Levels WelcomeKnitting Workshops(IN)Visible Mending40,00 $USAfficher la session
Continental KnittingBeginnerKnitting WorkshopsContinental Knitting40,00 $USAfficher la session
No Alcohol Needed - Steeks - SunIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsNo Alcohol Needed - Steeks - Sun35,00 $USAfficher la session
Fantastical Felting With Raw Locks (Shave 'Em to Save 'Em Eligible)All Levels WelcomeFelting WorkshopsFantastical Felting With Raw Locks (Shave 'Em to Save 'Em Eligible)45,00 $USAfficher la session
You Don't Need to Be a Metalsmith to Make Your Own Shawl Pin!All Levels WelcomeMiscYou Don't Need to Be a Metalsmith to Make Your Own Shawl Pin!40,00 $USAfficher la session
Debunking Dye Chemistry (Sun.)BeginnerDyeing WorkshopsDebunking Dye Chemistry (Sun.)45,00 $USAfficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Easy Peasy Solar Dyeing with Wool and Kitchen 'Waste'BeginnerDemonstrationsEasy Peasy Solar Dyeing with Wool and Kitchen 'Waste'15,00 $USAfficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Intermediate Mosaic: Charts and Combined StitchesIntermediateKnitting WorkshopsIntermediate Mosaic: Charts and Combined Stitches40,00 $USAfficher la session
Knit Your Bust Fitting Sweater EverAdvanced BeginnerKnitting WorkshopsKnit Your Bust Fitting Sweater Ever35,00 $USAfficher la session
Fiber with Beads: An IntroductionBeginnerKnitting WorkshopsFiber with Beads: An Introduction40,00 $USAfficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Easy Reversible CablesIntermediateDemonstrationsEasy Reversible Cables15,00 $USAfficher la session
  DemonstrationsSubito Farm DEMO: Needle felting a pumpkin Afficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Hook Up a HatBeginnerCrochet WorkshopsHook Up a Hat35,00 $USAfficher la session
OOOPS! Correcting Knitting Mistakes (and Preventing Them).BeginnerKnitting WorkshopsOOOPS! Correcting Knitting Mistakes (and Preventing Them).40,00 $USAfficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Teatime with Herdwick Sheep, Helder~Herdwyck Farm SUN Farm Tour/Mill TourTeatime with Herdwick Sheep, Helder~Herdwyck Farm SUN Afficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Excel Essentials for a Custom Fit - SunAdvanced BeginnerKnitting WorkshopsExcel Essentials for a Custom Fit - Sun40,00 $USAfficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Helder~Herdwyck Farm: Punch Needle Rugmaking Demo, using the Oxford Punch Needle DemonstrationsHelder~Herdwyck Farm: Punch Needle Rugmaking Demo, using the Oxford Punch Needle Afficher la session
dimanche, octobre 18, 2020, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Gaga for Granny SquaresIntermediateCrochet WorkshopsGaga for Granny Squares35,00 $USAfficher la session