The Holistic Shepherd - Helder~Herdwyck Farm
Saturday, October 17, 2020
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)

Join Erin Bradt, Holistic Management Practioner, Owner, and Shepherd here at Helder~Herdwyck Farm, as she talks about Regenerative Agriculture and the roll her flock of Herdwick sheep plays along with other important species on her diversified family farm, in regenerating the ecosystems of her land. Learn about the careful planning, certain practices and special tools, and perspective of regenerative agriculture and the need for returning to diversification in farming. This can be as superficial or as in-depth as the group makes it. Please use Chat for questions only, and bear with this Shepherd, she's new at this live stuff. Limit 25 participants This will be an on-farm virtual visit/walk, in the field. WATCH OUR BREED TALK video when you get a chance

Session Type
Farm Tour/Mill Tour
Session Pic 1
Session Pic 2