The Make It with Wool Contest is an exciting opportunity for anyone who likes to work with wool; sewing, weaving, felting, knitting or crocheting. Contestants make their garments and model them for the judges during a Fashion Show. Categories include junior, senior and adult, as well as made for another. The American Sheep Industry (ASI) produces the Make It with Wool contest nationally. Each state or region holds a local level contest. Winners may be eligible to compete in the National Make It with Wool which takes place in January at the ASI Conference. The contest has proven to be fun and educational. National winners receive scholarships to further their studies.
This year's MIWW competition will be virtual! That means entries will be via video only. THE DEADLINE FOR ENTRY IS October 1, 2020. Entries can be emailed to Meegan Veeder-Shave. Questions? Feel free to reach out to Meegan at 845-380-9639.
Entry Information
Five divisions: Age as of Jan. 1, 2020
- Pre-teens, age 12 and under- can make a dress, jumper, skirt, vest, shirt, sweater or combination of garments
Juniors, Seniors and Adults need to make A COMPLETE OUTFIT to be considered for nationals. (Any combination of garments to make a complete outfit or a coat can be considered)
- Juniors, ages 13-16
- Senior, ages 17-24
- Adult age 25 years and older
- Made for others (any age) - must be worn by the person for whom the garment is intended
Garment fabric/fiber must test out at 60% or more wool. Testing sample must be sent to NYS MIWW Director by October 1, 2020. See below.
Judging Criteria:
Judging is private and decisions are final
- Appropriateness to contestant's lifestyle
- Coordination of fabric/yarn with garment style and design
- Contestant's presentation
- Construction quality
- Creativity
How can I be certain my fabrics/yarns are wool?
Send a swatch prior to making your garment to the state director, Meegan Veeder Shave, with $7 and it will be sent to a lab for testing and the results will be forwarded to you. These results will also cover you for the competition, provided that you use the same fabric. Fabric sample for testing should be 5″x 5″ and yarn samples should be 36 inches long. Reserve fabric for these tests. Contact Meegan Veeder-Shave for more information.
The contest is divided into three parts:
- garments judged off the contestant
- garments judged on the contestant
- modeling the outfit (The fashion show is required, but not judged.)
Garment may be sewn, knitted (by hand or knitting machine), crocheted, or felted from fiber of 100% wool or wool blend (minimum 60% wool or specialty wool fiber) for each fashion fabric or yarn used.
Also, it can be sewn from sheep's skin, but may not be more than 50% of the garment.
Specialty wool fibers include mohair, cashmere, alpaca, camel, and llama. Trims, facings, linings, interfacings and underlinings may be fabrics other than wool or wool blends.
There will also be a modeling session, time will be posted at check in desk.
Participants must provide a 30-60 second commentary about themselves and their garment.
The garment must have been completed after January 1, 2020
Questions? Contact Meegan Veeder-Shave
Make It With Wool NYS Director
National Coordinator Fashion/Apparel Design Competition
475 N. Quaker Lane
Hyde Park, NY 12538
Home Phone: 845-233-5739