The purpose of this presentation is to showcase the diversity of sheep breeds found in the Hudson Valley and to demonstrate optimal applications for the different fibers. The session will be broken up into 4-5 segments during which we will learn about 4-5 featured breeds, the farms they live on, the farmers who raise them, how their fiber is processed, and see what makers are doing with that yarn. The workshop will use video and PowerPoint, featuring professional quality images by Gale Zucker that have been made available by the Hudson Valley Textile Project, to show sheep up close, fiber up closer still, and a variety of knitted and woven swatches or finished objects which will highlight the differences in the breeds and their performance. A goal of this session is to bridge a gap between consumers and farmers and the other nodes of the supply chain that make the fiber into yarn. Makers are increasingly more aware of the importance of working with materials that are locally-sourced and sustainably processed. This lecture offers the information people are looking for on the differences between the various wool breeds, woolen/worsted processing methods and outcomes, dyeing options, and more.