The Breed Barn has seized the opportunity with the virtual festival format to bring you a variety of breed talks through a series of videos and podcasts. Due to our online platform we are also able to add breeds and breeders normally not found at the festival. Feel free to reach out to the various shepherdesses and shepherds if you have additional questions. They are always happy to talk sheep and shepherding.

A special thank you goes out to Rick & Elara Bowman of Backyard Green Films for their work on this endeavor. They have graciously provided their talents and time to offer you the greater majority of these videos and all of the podcasts listed because they love the agricultural community as much as all of you. Please follow them on YouTube and your Podcasting service.

Backyard Green Films can be found at and on YouTube with their Backyard Green Films channel.



Live Virtual Events:


Beginning Shepherd Workshop:

Live Virtual Q & A

Saturday, October 17, 3:00-5:00 pm

Register to reserve your spot.

Included with admission ticket.


Do you have questions about raising sheep? Do you want to learn about different fleece types? Thinking about raising sheep for meat, dairy, or wool? Need to know how to house sheep, administer meds, trim hooves? Want to know where to find a shearer, a mill, someone to use your wool? Where do you even begin? Come and join fellow shepherds who will answer your questions and/or tell you where to find answers. 

Co-hosts include:

0,00 US$
Tipo de sesión
Breed Talks
Enlace de sesión virtual

A Farm Of Our Own

Sunday, October 18, 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Register to reserve your spot.

Included with admission ticket.


Are you a BIPOC knitter, crocheter, spinner, or felter who loves sheepy, woolly, farm fiber? Do you dream of raising your own flock of sheep one day, and wonder if you'll find support as a BIPOC farmer? Let's have this conversation! Join us and meet some of the BIPOC sheep breeders and yarn producers in our fiber community. They'll share their stories of how they started out, the challenges they've met--in and out of the pasture, and what they've learned so far. Our goal is to create a BIPOC-centered discussion space. Due to the sensitivity of topics such as land access, and navigating in a predominantly white farming culture, this event is geared specifically to an audience of color. 

Please follow this link to complete the questionaire prior to joining us on Sunday. 

Co-hosts include:

0,00 US$
Tipo de sesión
Breed Talks
Enlace de sesión virtual


Video Presentations: scroll down or click on the listing


  • Shave 'em to Save 'emYankee Clippers ShearingSkirting a Fleece with Irina Lawrence

• Tami Fuller, Fiber Artist  • Barber Pole Worm with Dr Scott Bowdridge of West Virginia University •

Border Leicester Sheep with Susie WilsonCoopworth Sheep with the Pouder Family • Cormo Sheep at Wing and a Prayer Farm

• Corriedale Sheep at Patchwork Pastures • Corriedale Sheep with Gary Veeder • Cotswold Sheep with Margret Thompson • 

• CVM Romeldale Sheep with Heather Loomis • Finn Sheep with Siri Swanson Gotland Sheep with Amy CoreyGotland Sheep with Jennifer MacNeill

Herdwick Sheep  with Erin Bradt • Jacob and Navajo Churro Sheep with Bide a Wee FarmKatahdin Sheep with Matt DeVader

Lincoln Longwools with Prado de Lana, Part 1 • Lincoln Longwools with Prado de Lana, Part 2 • 

• St. Croix Sheep with Shasta RanchShetland Sheep with Judi Lehrhaupt

• Shetland Sheep with Wing and a Prayer Farm • Teeswater Sheep with Virginia Scholomiti

• Cormo, Shetland, and Valais Blacknose Sheep with Tammy WhiteValais Blacknose Sheep Society

Valais Blacknose Project with the Dally's of Shepherd's Lane • 

Wensleydale Sheep with Jeri Robinson-LawrenceAlpacas and Yaks with Bentwood FarmThe Donkey Ferrier Donkey Symposium • 

NYS Sheep and Wool Festival 2019The Livestock Conservancy, Shave 'em to Save 'em

To watch even more fabulous videos about agri-CULTURE subscribe to Backyard Green Films at 



Podcast Links: brought to you by Backyard Green Films

Click a link, opens in new window, click play to listen and return to this window to browse our site while you listen!

Shave 'Em to Save 'Em Discussion from the 2019 Festival

Yankee Clippers Shearing, shearing presentation

Skirting a Fleece with Irina Lawrence of Flying Fibers

Tami Fuller, Fiber Artist @Blubird Studio

Coopworth Sheep with the Pouder Family

Cormo Sheep with Wing and a Prayer Farm

Corriedale Sheep at Patchwork Pastures Farm with Macey Kate Veeder-Shave

Gary Veeder, Corriedale Sheep

Margret Thompson - Windrush Farm: A Discussion About Cotswold Sheep and Heritage Breeds.

Heather Loomis, Bohlayer's Orchards, Discusses CVM Romeldale Sheep

Finn Sheep with Siri Swanson

Amy Corey, Little River Farm and her Gotland Sheep

Gotland Sheep, Jennifer MacNeill

Herdwick Sheep with Erin Bradt of Helder-Herdwyk Farm

Bide a Wee Farm, Jacob Sheep and Navajo Churro Sheep

Matt DeVader: Rocky Top Ranch and Katahdin Sheep

Lincoln Longwool Sheep with Prado de Lana, part 1

Lincoln Longwool Sheep with Prado de Lana, part 2

Shasta Ranch, St. Croix Sheep

Judi Lehrhaupt, Ewe Can Do It Shetland Sheep Farm

Shetland Sheep with Wing and a Prayer Farm

Virginia Scholomiti, Teeswater Sheep

Tammy White from Wing and a Prayer Farm talks about various breeds including Shetland, Cormo, Valais Blacknose, and more

Jeri Robinson-Lawrence, Flying Fibers Wensleydale Sheep

Bentwood Alpacas and Yaks

Megan Hensley, the Donkey Ferrier

Donkey Welfare Symposium, UC Davis 2019

NYS Sheep and Wool Festival 2019

The Livestock Conservancy, Shave 'em to Save 'em

Contact your "regulars" from the breed barn: 

Special thanks to Backyard Green Films for sharing the majority of this footage and all of the podcasts.

Please visit and subscribe to their YouTube Channel and on your favorite Podcast app.