This list includes our vendors who are trying to stay in business, but don't have the internet connectivty to create a virtual booth this year. You can contact them from their listing info, and we hope you connect with them and their fine products.
REGISTER NOW to gain access to our Vendor Directory and Participating Vendors with virtual booths that you can "visit" for live, interactive video conferencing.
$5 Entry Ticket gets you access to all of them. They'll be using Zoom or Facebook LIVE to connect with you via your computer or smart phone or tablet. Just add their Live Virtual Booth sessions to your schedule, and you can wander in and out of booths during their open hours during the festival.

Sheepy Valley
Kate Henderson
wool, yarn, roving, patterns, candles, needles, wool comforters, sheepskins, honey, beeswax candles, sheep greeting cards
+1 518-239-6238

Sheila and Michael Ernst
Sheila and Michael Ernst
Finest glass knitting and crochet as well as other fiber related circular knitting needles, straight knitting needles, crochet hooks, glass buttons, orifice hooks, drop spindles, laying tools, etc.
+1 541-521-4756

Shel. B. Yarns/YarnsPlus
Shel or Anita Small
Featuring: Italian Egyptian Mercerized Cotton on balls and cones.; Rayon Roving; Rayon Eyelash; Acrylic Roving; Metallic Yarns; fabulous selection of skein yarns, and much much more.
+1 845-452-8408

Shenandoah Fiber Co. LLC
Susan J. Rabern
We are a family farm and fiber mill located in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. We raise Huacaya alpacas and in our solar powered fiber mill we process their fiber into our own brand of yarns, both natural and blended with other fibers including Merino, silk, bamboo, possum, fox, camel, Angora, and more. Our online store at has all of our beautiful yarn and handknit children sweaters, hats, and cowls.
+1 703-608-1177

Shepherd's Flock
Rick Hege
100% Sheepskin (Shearling) products. Mittens, hats, slippers, ear muffs, boot/shoe innersoles, and seat belt covers.
+1 802-365-4588

Shepherds Flock
Chris Medina
100% Sheepskin (Shearling) products. Mittens, hats, slippers, ear muffs, boot/shoe innersoles, and seat belt covers.
+1 520-221-0963

Shepherds Mill Farm
Donna McArdle
Sheepskin slippers, hats, mittens, gloves, insoles, earmuffs
+1 856-358-2329

Simpler Thyme -
Lori Kennedy
"The Original" Simpler Thyme® Herbal MOTH BEWARE!™ and traditional cold processed herbal and specialty soap
We've been selling at Rhinebeck for 30 years!
We've been selling at Rhinebeck for 30 years!
+1 973-875-9070

Skoog's Sheep and Cattle Company LLC
Martin and Anette Skoog
Gotland sheep the silvergrey curly sheep from Sweden, See our unique Handmade Sheepskin items for home decor & interior design. Yes, we are the makers! See our entries in the handmade fiber art competition. Washable sheepskins, Wool, Yarn, Roving, Peltblankets (traditional Scandinavian skinnfell), pillows, chairpads, handbags.<br />Facebook: skoogssheepandcattlecompany/silverlambdesign<br />Instagram: gotlandsheepandwool<br />We have successfully exported our best sheep genetics to U.S.A, U.K, Norway, New Zealand. self-raised

Snowshoe Farm, LLC
Terry Miller
self-raised, farm raised,alpaca, yarn, fiber, patterns, needles, hooks, greener shades dyes, knit, crochet,handspinning,felting,indie dyer,hand dyed yarn,hand painted yarn,felting fiber,roving,alpacas
+1 802-592-3153

Soak Wash Inc
Suzanne Paquette, Diana Cardozo
Soak is modern laundry care for the laundry you love. Its gentle formulation is perfect for hand or machine washing your Rhinebeck sweaters and all your fiber projects, from sheepskins to rug hooking! Show your laundry (and the planet) some love, with Soak. love it. wear it. soak it.
+1 905-270-7625

Solitude Wool
Gretchen Frederick/Kathy Reed/Kim Pierce
breed-specific yarns & fibers from sheep raised in the Chesapeake Fibershed. This year we are highlighting our Shave 'Em to Save 'Em breeds: Tunis (including new three-ply, natural dyed yarn or double twist), Clun Forest, Karakul and Cotswold yarns. Leicester Longwool, Shetland, Jacob Karakul and Tunis fibers. Also at booth: Romney, Border Leicester, Montadale, Targhee, Alpaca/Merino, Llama-rama, Coopworth. More breeds available online or we can bring by request. email Gretchen at
+1 540-554-2312

Souvenirs - NY State Sheep and Wool Festival

Spinners Hill
Lisa Ann Merian owner Candace Cain and Susan Miles {show team or as they refer to everyone as "my minions"}
Dyed and Carded Wool, Undyed Natural Wool Top of Different Sheep Breeds, Dyed Wool Roving and Top, Mill Spun Dyed Alpaca Yarn, Handspun Yarn, Mill Spun Wool Yarn, Dyed Locks, Felting, Spinning, Dyeing, Weaving, Knitting Rug Hooking Supplies. Shawl Pins, Earrings, Buttons, Pins
+1 607-967-8325

Spring Gate Farm, LLC
Jane W. Hammond, Helen J. Hammond
Self-raised fine Virginia grown Cashmere, Award winning fiber, pelts and breeding stock. Stunning hand dyed cashmere in lace and fingering weights. Hand-knitted Cashmere scarves and accessories. Self-raised Fine Merino and silk woven shawls and scarves. One of a kind pelt pillows, hats, purses and much more!
+1 434-531-8547

Springtide Cashmere
Wendy Pieh, Michaela Warryn
We offer self-and locally raised, hand-dyed cashmere yarn and roving, patterns, cashmere pelts, and Katahdin sheepskins. Contact us directly for our sheepskins and cashmere pelts, all from our own animals.
+1 207-529-5747

Spruce Mountain Designs
Suellen McMillen & Jim Van Woert
Shawl Pins, Enameled Sterling Silver Sheep Jewelry, Earrings, Necklaces, Charms, Alpaca Designs, Crochet Jewelry Line, Enameled Shuttle Jewelry. Adorable Lambkin Charms, Knit Cable Jewelry, and one-of-a-kind original shawl pin unique pieces. We create our original designs individually, each piece is handcrafted with attention to detail. Sterling Silver and 14k Gold.
+1 518-523-9212

Stacey Stanhope Pottery
Stacey Stanhope
pottery, yarn bowls, mug, farm landscapes, cards.
+1 770-853-1099

Starcroft Fiber Mill
Janet Estell, Leah Ondra
Located in the woods of Downeast Maine, Starcroft Fiber Mill is a mother/daughter yarn studio.
We work with our good friends the Wakemans tending the sheep throughout the year. In early summer, we join them to help shear the sheep. If the weather cooperates, and the sheep are dry, we gather as day breaks for a boat ride to the island, where we round up the flock, and our three local women shearers get to work. While they shear the flock, we skirt through the fleeces removing bits of brambles and seaweed, sort them into grades, and bundle them into large burlap sacks. All of the lambs fleeces are used exclusively in our Nash Island LAMB yarn, while the soft ewe fleeces go into our Nash Island LIGHT, MUCKLEMARL, and TIDE yarns. The longest, softest fleeces are wrapped in sheets and reserved for hand spinners. After a hard day’s work filled with laughter and good food, the sacks of newly shorn fleeces are hauled in lobster boats to the mainland.
Our Bye Brook Farm yarns are a collaboration with longtime family friend, and 3rd generation shepherdess, Michele Bye. She and her flock of Romney sheep call Aroostook County home, and we’re proud to offer skeins of rich, creamy white and warm, soft grey, in the natural shades of her exquisite flock.
At the mill we give the fleeces a second round of skirting before gently hand- washing the wool with biodegradable soap. The cleaned fibers are then hand-fed into a picker (first round of carding) to blend the flock’s fleeces together. The prepared wool is then sent to mills in Aroostook County and Vermont to be spun before returning to Starcroft for hand-dying, skeining and labeling.
With colors inspired by Downeast Maine’s natural coastal beauty, the finished yarns are kettle-dyed by hand in small batches. Our special technique creates subtle variations of color in each skein, where light and dark highlights of a single hue create beautiful shading in even the simplest knitting.
With each step, from fleece to skein, we strive to produce a unique, handcrafted Maine product that helps keep local fiber traditions, from the Coast to the County, alive and thriving.
We work with our good friends the Wakemans tending the sheep throughout the year. In early summer, we join them to help shear the sheep. If the weather cooperates, and the sheep are dry, we gather as day breaks for a boat ride to the island, where we round up the flock, and our three local women shearers get to work. While they shear the flock, we skirt through the fleeces removing bits of brambles and seaweed, sort them into grades, and bundle them into large burlap sacks. All of the lambs fleeces are used exclusively in our Nash Island LAMB yarn, while the soft ewe fleeces go into our Nash Island LIGHT, MUCKLEMARL, and TIDE yarns. The longest, softest fleeces are wrapped in sheets and reserved for hand spinners. After a hard day’s work filled with laughter and good food, the sacks of newly shorn fleeces are hauled in lobster boats to the mainland.
Our Bye Brook Farm yarns are a collaboration with longtime family friend, and 3rd generation shepherdess, Michele Bye. She and her flock of Romney sheep call Aroostook County home, and we’re proud to offer skeins of rich, creamy white and warm, soft grey, in the natural shades of her exquisite flock.
At the mill we give the fleeces a second round of skirting before gently hand- washing the wool with biodegradable soap. The cleaned fibers are then hand-fed into a picker (first round of carding) to blend the flock’s fleeces together. The prepared wool is then sent to mills in Aroostook County and Vermont to be spun before returning to Starcroft for hand-dying, skeining and labeling.
With colors inspired by Downeast Maine’s natural coastal beauty, the finished yarns are kettle-dyed by hand in small batches. Our special technique creates subtle variations of color in each skein, where light and dark highlights of a single hue create beautiful shading in even the simplest knitting.
With each step, from fleece to skein, we strive to produce a unique, handcrafted Maine product that helps keep local fiber traditions, from the Coast to the County, alive and thriving.
+1 207-596-3905

Stephen Willette Fiber Art Tools
Stephen Willette
Craftsmen of heirloom quality Fiber Art Tools for spinners, knitters, crocheters and weavers. Some of the tools we offer are yarn bowls, looms, support spindles, glass tipped support spindles, drop spindles, lucets, crochet hooks, shawl pins and weaving supplies. As a state juried member of the League of New Hampshire Craftsman, I maintain the high standards of quality required by the league in all of my work.
+1 603-801-5546

Still River Mill, LLC
Gregory Driscoll & Deirdre Bushnell
Custom Fiber Processing from your own fiber, Greener Shades dyes, Rugs, Patterns, High Fashion yarns from Exotic Fibers, Gloves, Mittens
+1 860-974-9918

Stitched Impressions
Susan Levi-Goerlich
Framed fiber wall pieces designed from a combination of hand-painted and/or needle-felted silk and free-motion sewing machine embroidery.
+1 410-531-8065

Subito Farm
Cynthia W. Craft
We are a fiber family consisting of Cindy and her two daughters, Sarah and Meaghan. We are interesting in all things fiber including felting, knitting, dying, pattern design, hand spinning, and knitting machines. We specialize in our original knitting patterns and hand dyed yarn to go with them. Meaghan's needle felted earrings are beautiful and unique and her catnip mice are a customer favorite. As with most years we'll be releasing a new series of patterns and yarns. Come and see what's new this year!
+1 978-505-1395

Suffolk Shaker Shop
Handmade Shaker style sewing boxes, carriers, yarn boxes, lucets, turkish drop spindles,
+1 757-255-4574

Sunshine Daydream Farm and Gardens
Michelle DeLucia
Looking for wool that is truly local .....At Sunshine Daydream Farm & Gardens we raise our fiber sheep for wool and manures (that go into the compost) .We shear and wash the wool, then dye the wool locks in one pound dye lots with flowers , roots, barks grown in our gardens . After dyeing the wool locks the spent dye flowers go into the compost with the sheep & rabbit manures. Finally , they are delivered to a small fiber mill in Maine for processing into beautiful roving and a variety of yarn blends. Sunshine Daydream Farm offers organic plant dyed batting, roving, art batts and yarn in 32 different plant colors. The wool is also handfelted into hats, handbags, mittens, iPad covers, birdpods, jackets, vests, scarves , skirts and accesories. Organic plant dyed merino/corriedale and CVM wool grown in Maine with love and respect for the Earth. Self-Raised
+1 603-986-1839

Susans Fiber Shop
Susan McFarland
Ashford wheels, books, gadgets, fiber, wool combs, looms
+1 608-575-1470

Tess' Designer Yarns
Melinda & Tess Bickford
luxury hand dyed yarns
+1 207-460-9276

The Buffalo Wool Company
Theresa Miskin, Ron Miskin
We are Theresa & Ron Miskin, our family has been raising bison for almost 30 years, and we are passionate about bringing you the best quality bison products. The last ten years we have been developing a supply chain incorporating small mills, local designers, and large ranches, and along the way, it is our belief that together we can preserve one of America's great symbols, and help bolster the U.S. economy by focusing on American Made products
+1 817-905-4584

the C word - CROCHET for TODAY!
cal patch
we sell modern crochet patterns and feature samples in yarns available at the festival! plus printed crochet-themed textile items, crochet tools, felted home goods, and handmade linen smocks and aprons.
+1 347-678-4336

The Dancing Bear Farm, LLC
Pamela Kurst
Barn Quilts! We hand paint lovely quilt patterns on quality wood; perfect for decorating your barn, chicken coop, outdoor shed, name it!
+1 607-397-8381

The Good Shepherd
Carolyn Partridge
self-raised, hand dyed yarn, carded batts, silk, cotton, sliver, jewelry, books, clothing
+1 802-874-4182

The Hill Art
Juanita Reynolds
I havefleece to finished products, felting supplies, tools, custom spun, hand dyed yarns as well as a selection of hand painted porcelain gift Items.<br /><br />I will have some miniature-llama hair available. It is fine ,silky and the guard hair was accidentally bred out in bringing it back to the llamas' original size. Come check it out.<br /><br />I will be taking orders to paint your own animal's portrait on a porcelain, ornament, plate, or jewelry tile . All I need will be a picture of special animal. The picture can be brought to me at the show or can be e-mailed to me. The picture above is Our Pyrenees "Bear", self-raised<br /><br />Come visit our booth.
+1 434-665-2632

The Mainline Fence and Supply Corp.
Michael Schwarz
livestock fencing, custom fencing, oak board, pressure treated board, diamond mesh wire, non-climb mesh, PVC flex strapping, slip board, split rail
+1 800-248-8708

The Rosefield
MaryLou Williams, Molly Richter
The Rosefield specializes in quality, farm-raised Leicester Longwool, Shetland (both SE2SE eligible) and Angora roving and yarn. We offer many different blends, both dyed and natural colors, to meet the needs of spinners, knitters, crocheters, needle/wet felters and other fiber artists. Our homemade lotion, soap and lip balm is a must-have at our usual fiber shows in the NE and SE USA.
+1 724-948-3715

The Ross Farm
Amy Ross Manko
We raise several breeds of Heritage & Rare Breed sheep on our PA Century Farm in Southwestern PA including Leicester Longwool, Cotswold, Shetland, Jacob, Romney, Cheviot, Tunis, and Hog Island sheep from which we produce locks, roving and yarn in a vast array of gorgeous natural colors. All of our wool is minimally processed, breed specific and the color you see is the color it grew on the animal. Our product is responsibly self-raised and undyed. We will also have Schacht Spindle Company Products including the brand new Flatiron Wheel as well as Unicorn Power Scour and Fibre Wash and Rinse!!
+1 724-986-1925

The Spinning Room of Altamont, Spinning Yarn Tales, LLC
Nancy Cobb, Kathy Loegering, Yvette Terplak, Heike Geisler, Mari DeSess, Lisa Bates, Kurt Siegel, Karin Maag-Tanchak, & Liz Fiorini
Check our website, Facebook, and Instagram for daily session schedule. We are a LYS featuring Juniper Moon, Katia, and other "boutique" yarns. We'll have a great assortment of yarn from The Periwinkle Sheep of Albany, and handpainted yarns from Peace Love & Yarn. Back this year are fun project bags, as well as LYKKE & Addi needles and sets.. Check out our assortment of specialty knitting needles!
+1 518-861-0038

The WooLee Winder co
Nathan Lee
makes the Woolee Winder, Automatic winding flyer systems.
+1 503-810-1388

Three Bags Full Studio
Michele Corbeil
I create colorful and whimsical bags for knitters and spinners. I look forward to helping you find just the right bag for your project, whether you prefer box bags, fabric bowls or totes. I also make needle cases, swift sacks (for your umbrella swift), and waxed canvas backpacks.
+1 207-664-4202

Tidal Yarns
Patricia Fortinsky
Naturally dyed yarns from locally sourced wool. Sweater, hat and cowl kits with original knitting patterns.

Tika at Sweet Fleece Farm
Nancy Ketner
Tika Bags entices fiber enthusiasts with their creative bag designs, quality stitching, and fun & functional fabrics. They specialize in Clear-Sided Bags – to show off your beautiful work!
In addition to crafting fine quality knitting / crochet project bags, they have all the tools you need for your next project, including needle keepers and yarn cozies. Made in the USA.
In addition to crafting fine quality knitting / crochet project bags, they have all the tools you need for your next project, including needle keepers and yarn cozies. Made in the USA.
+1 610-926-3604

Tilton Hill Goat Farm - NEW in 2019
David and Noreen Rollins
+1 603-738-5133

Tintagel Farm
Leslie Orndorff
self-raised, handwoven garments, yarn, roving, mohair, alpaca, llama
+1 717-235-2814

TM Franke Inc/Vingtor of Norway
Troy M. Franke
Vingtor of Norway is a small family owned company producing high-quality Norwegian wool products based on tradition and history. 100% Norwegian Wool - manufactured in Lithuania. Timeless clothes created for generations

Caroline O'Neill
plant dyed wool yarn, plant dyed wool felt, plant dyed wool fleece, organic cotton yarn, Waldorf inspired games and toys, Fair Trade gifts and baskets, craft kits for all levels, plant dyed pearl cotton, indigo, cochineal, madder, osage, dyestuffs
+1 518-672-0052

Twist of Fate Spinnery
Jeremiah Squier
yarn, roving, felt, spinning wheels
+1 860-759-9335

Utopia Bath, Ltd
Merilyn Konnerth
Luxurious artisanal Bath & Body products made in small batches with fiber related goodness! Lanolin, Goats milk used in tte Best Hand Crème Ever, soap, lotion, salves, balms and our wonderful Wet-n-Wooly felted soaps!!