Vendor Name
No Repeats Fiberworks NOT SHOWING 2021
Owner Name(s)
Jo Eaton
Description, keywords, specific products offered
No Repeats Fiberworks and Integrity Wenseleydales will be sharing a booth. Jo Eaton, of No Repeats, is a Traditional Artist in the fiber arts and has been found at Craft and Folk festivals from Maine to North Carolina. Since the age of seven she has crocheted, sewn and knit. Her love is color and bringing happiness to long dark winters through hats with bold stripes, great textures, flowers and landscapes.<br />Nan Dube Fickett breeds Integrity Wensleydales, one of the <br />English long wool breeds with luscious, beautiful locks. More about this farm and breed is at
Business Phone#
+1 207-383-0421
Email Address