Vendor Name
Frelsi Farm Icelandics
Owner Name(s)
Elaine Clark
Description, keywords, specific products offered
Beautiful handwoven natural color Icelandic wool rugs, woven here on our farm. Icelandic wool roving in natural colors, and luxury fiber blend roving. Icelandic wool batts for felting. Needle felting kits. Handmade Icelandic sheep horn buttons. Icelandic sheep pelts. Most of the Icelandic wool we use is self-raised on our farm, the rest comes from some special friends' farms. Our Alpaca blends are from prize winning fiber raised in Michigan by our friends on their small family farm. The silk in our blends is wild sustainable Tussah, Eri, and Muga silk from India, appropriate for our roving and hand spun yarns.
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