Full Name
Kathy Sparks
Short Bio
Kathy Sparks, a life long fiber artist, has been an educator professionally and in her volunteer work. A popular workshop presenter, Kathy loves to share the world of natural dyeing with her students.
She spins, weaves, knits, grows her own flax and dye plants and is the author of several books as well as countless articles. In her spare time, and the help of an excellent group of retired educators, Kathy shares her love of all things fiber combined with history through the Hands on History children’s program at her local history society. Often she has an angora bunny in her lap and is spinning from the bunny to the amazement of the children.
She spins, weaves, knits, grows her own flax and dye plants and is the author of several books as well as countless articles. In her spare time, and the help of an excellent group of retired educators, Kathy shares her love of all things fiber combined with history through the Hands on History children’s program at her local history society. Often she has an angora bunny in her lap and is spinning from the bunny to the amazement of the children.
Speaking At
Flax from Field to Fiber
From the Sheep's Back to the Dyepot in One Fell Swoop
Hands on Fiber Fun for Children
From the Sheep's Back to the Dyepot in One Fell Swoop
Hands on Fiber Fun for Children
Email Address