10/13/2020 - You can join Madeline for this class, but she will be unable to provide you with material.
Embrace your wild side with felt artist Madeline White and learn to create a curly collar by felting rare breed locks in the grease. This beginner-friendly workshop will teach you how to separate locks, build a cohesive piece, and wet felt with raw wool. Once learned, this technique can be modified to suit a variety of styles, sizes, and wool types, and may just be your first step into a love affair with felted art. For those who choose to purchase materials, this workshop is also an opportunity to work with rare breed wool, and receive a Lincoln Longwool sticker and project credit for the Livestock Conservancy's Shave 'Em to Save 'Em project. More information on that project can be found at: https://livestockconservancy.org/index.php/involved/internal/SE2 The wool used in the materials package is Lincoln Longwool, a breed that is categorized as Threatened by the Livestock Conservancy. No previous felting experience is required - just bring your creativity, courage, and joy in wool!

Price of pack is NOT included in registration fee.
2) Source of hot water (tap water)
3) Dawn dish soap
4) Water bottle with squirt top (clear disposable water bottle, recycled dish soap bottle or clear sport bottle best, but other sport bottles work)
5) Sheet of bubble wrap approximately 2.5'x3.5' (if your bubble wrap isn't wide enough, two pieces can be overlapped, but a single sheet is preferred)
6) 2 towels that you don't mind smelling like sheep
7) Firm cylindrical rod at least 2.5' long (pvc pipe preferred, but pool noodles, broomsticks, and other creative items also work)
8) 2' long strong tie (rope, scrap fabric, or similar)
9) Bucket(s) or similar containers (2 containers preferred, but one is fine)
10) White vinegar or Unicorn Fibre Rinse
11) Soft tape measure
OPTIONAL: Needle felting needle, foam block, thread or yarn, and darning needle (sometimes there are thin spots when creating wet felt, and this is a good toolkit for repairs. However, these are not necessarily needed)